Mashkizibi: Bad River Band

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The Bad River Band reservation is located in Northern Wisconsin on the shore of Gichi Gami, or Lake Superior. The Tribe has been monitoring Ma’iingan populations since 1996. In 2013, Bad River published its Ma’iingan Management Plan. The plan protects 2 to 4 Ma’iingan packs that have home ranges overlapping with the reservation.

As part of the effort to protect Ma’iingan, Bad River Band is spearheading the organization of a Ma’iingan Symposium in January of 2020 in order to highlight tribal knowledge of, relationships with, and efforts for Ma’iingan. Email to be informed when registration is open.

The Bad River Tribe is currently funding research conducted through the Carnivore Coexistence Lab of UW-Madison into the effectiveness of various non-lethal deterrents and keeping predators away from livestock operations around the reservation. The Tribe hopes that this collaboration will assist in building relationships with surrounding landowners and lead toward better coexistence with and protection of Ma’iingan.